Triggerfish Animation Studio, based in Cape Town, is actively seeking more African animators. They have launched a digital platform called “Triggerfish Academy” in partnership with the Goethe-Institut and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. This platform aims to guide African students in learning animation and picking up the craft.
Triggerfish has recognized a shortage of local animators in South Africa and has had to outsource talent from Europe. They are looking to address this issue by providing opportunities and resources for aspiring African animators. In the past, Triggerfish has partnered with Disney for initiatives like the Story Lab, which invited aspiring animators from across the continent to submit their ideas for development and mentorship. This initiative aims to empower African creators and showcase their talent on a global scale.
How to Enroll in Triggerfish Academy
To enroll in Triggerfish Academy, the requirements may vary depending on the specific course or program. However, here are some general requirements:
- To access the courses and resources on Triggerfish Academy, you will need to create an account on their website.
- If you have any specific inquiries or need assistance with the enrollment process, you can reach out to the Triggerfish Academy team via email at
- For certain competitions or courses, there may be specific entry deadlines. It is important to check the website or announcements for any upcoming deadlines.
- While not explicitly mentioned in the search results, having a passion for animation and a desire to learn and develop your skills in this field would likely be beneficial for enrolling in Triggerfish Academy.
What Notable Animation Projects Has Triggerfish Worked On?
Triggerfish Animation Studio has produced several notable animation projects, including:
Triggerfish Animation Studio has also produced animation for Sesame Workshop for the South African version of Sesame Street, Takalani Sesame, as well as the US domestic and international versions of the pre-school kids’ program.