The First Slam Dunk Reaches the US

“The First Slam Dunk” is a 2022 Japanese animated sports film written and directed by Takehiko Inoue, produced by Toei Animation and Dandelion Animation Studio. It is based on Inoue’s Slam Dunk manga series. The movie was released theatrically in Japan on December 3, 2022, and grossed $262 million worldwide, becoming the fifth highest-grossing anime film of all time. In 2023, “The First Slam Dunk” won the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year.

“The First Slam Dunk” had a limited release in Japan on December 3, 2022, and a wider release a week later. According to Comscore, the movie had already made over $211 million worldwide before reaching a single North American theater. Professional critics have been impressed with “The First Slam Dunk.” The South China Morning Post called the film a “5-star animated masterpiece” in a glowing review. The movie has been praised for its exhilarating basketball sequences and is considered a dazzling tour de force both on and off the court.

The film’s US release is set for July 28, 2023 and will feature the Japanese dub with English subtitles and a fully English-dubbed version.

“The First Slam Dunk” could potentially make for a great introduction to the series. However, for those that want to get a head start on “Slam Dunk” before the movie debuts, there are quite a few ways to do so. Japanese fans may already have a leg up again in this regard, as Toei placed the anime series on its streaming platform, Toei Tokusatsu World Official, in 2021.

What is the Source Material

“The First Slam Dunk” movie is based on the Slam Dunk manga series written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue. The movie covers 53 chapters of the original manga series. The film adaptation was written and directed by Inoue himself, and it was produced by Toei Animation and Dandelion Animation Studio. The movie has been praised for its beautiful animation and story of a group of imperfect people learning to own up to their mistakes.

There are some changes in the movie that deviate from the anime and manga series. However, it is not clear what these changes are. Overall, “The First Slam Dunk” movie has been well-received by audiences and critics alike, and it has grossed $262 million worldwide, becoming the fifth highest-grossing anime film of all time.