Star Trek Animated Movie Coming Soon?

Rumor has it that Star Trek animated film is in the works! Though not a surprise, the Star Trek franchise has a history in animation, with the original series having its cartoon spinoff back in 1973. The current generation has both Prodigy and Lower Decks to continue on the tradition. This shows that the franchise realizes the wealth of benefits in animation films. Paramount is looking to venture where no Star Trek movie has before, thanks to a proven and trusted insider. Rumor has it that Paramount is in the early developments of an animated feature film planned in the Star Trek universe.

The project is so secret that we’ve not yet learned about its specifics, but we’re certain that it is on the table for the franchise. Ardent fans are left wondering whether this has to do anything with Prodigy or Lower Decks and if a feature film spinoff is planned for either of the shows. Could it be a completely original movie with no connection to the current shows? Looking at it from another angle, it could be that the Star Trek animated film is the only way of bringing back certain cast members for a new project. There were cases where Avery Brooks was approached to return as Captain Benjamin Sysco, but viable issues were preventing him from returning. Perhaps the issues are being resolved now and not to mention the fact that the animated feature would be less of a commitment than the live-action shoot. This would also translate to Brook’s salary is lower than it would otherwise be in a live-action show.

And again, we have to consider whether the Star Trek animated film will be exclusively available on paramount. It looks like a target release for paramount’s streaming platform to lure more subscribers to the service. It’s highly unlikely that Paramount would release an animated movie for adults in theaters. The movie will help Prodigy and Lower Decks to pull new subscribers to the streaming platform. Finally, maybe paramount wants to try to continue the JJ. Abrams’s version of the Star Trek universe brings back the cast for the animated feature to complete their tenure as these iconic characters. This looks like a perfect way for the franchise to offer a decent sendoff to the great characters who have done the franchise justice. At the moment, anything could be possible, and it doesn’t seem like Paramount is ready to continue branching out the franchise and taking care of the long-term fans with returning characters, so this could be a reason. There are many speculations, but don’t get too excited about the animated film until the studio releases any official announcement.