Migration is an upcoming animated film from Illumination. The plot revolves around a family of ducks called the Mallards who is eager to embark on a grand adventure and explore new horizons. The story follows their journey as they convince their over-protective father to go on the vacation of a lifetime. The Mallards attempt to migrate from their home in New England, through New York City, and ultimately reach Jamaica. Migration looks a balance humor and heartwarming moments as the Mallard family faces various challenges and experiences along the way.
Migration was directed by Benjamin Renner and Guylo Homsy. Benjamin Renner was also one of the writers of the movie, along with Mike White. Benjamin Renner is a French cartoonist, animator, and filmmaker who has directed several films like the following:
Ernest & Celestine
Plot: Celestine is a little mouse trying to avoid a dental career while Ernest is a big bear craving an artistic outlet. When Celestine meets Ernest, they overcome their natural enmity by forging a life of crime together.
Plot: The countryside isn't always as calm and peaceful as it's made out to be, and the animals on this farm are particularly agitated: a fox who mothers a family of chicks, a rabbit who plays the stork, and a duck who wants to be Santa Claus.