Bethesda Game Studios has released three new animated shorts for their upcoming game, Starfield. The shorts are part of a new anthology series called Starfield: The Settled Systems and focus on the three major cities in the game’s universe: New Atlantis, Akila City, and Neon. The animations offer glimpses into the game’s universe and provide backstory ahead of the game’s release. Let’s take a look.
Supra Et Ultra
The first of the new animated shorts we’ll look at is called Supra Et Ultra. The short takes place in New Atlantis, the largest city ever created by Bethesda, and follows a mail courier as they travel through the city. The animated short offers a glimpse into the game’s universe and provides backstory ahead of the game’s release.
Where Hope is Built
Next up is Where Hope is Built. The short takes place in Akila City, home of the Freestar Collective, and follows a young orphan named Vanna who saves an old man and ends up getting more than she bargained for. The animated short offers a glimpse into the game’s universe and provides backstory ahead of the game’s release.
The Hand That Feeds
And finally, The Hand That Feeds. This particular short is set in Neon, a cyberpunk-styled city, and focuses on two street rats who steal from wealthy tourists. The short provides a glimpse into the cyberpunk streets of Neon and adds to the overall world-building of Starfield.